Troops, You Can Run a Klondoree 2015 Event!
Troops participating in the 2015 Klondoree at Golden Gate Canyon State Park can run one of the events. This is your chance to have a ton of fun, and help make Klondoree an even greater success at the same time! And we need your help, so please come join the fun!If your troop is interested in running an event, be aware we need the following as a minimum:
- 2 adult leaders on duty at all times (you can rotate leaders throughout the day)
- At least 5 scouts on duty (scouts can rotate around during the day)
The event list is still being finalized, but as of now we have the following events planned and available for troops to coordinate. For more details, and to submit your request for an event, download the 2015 Klondoree Participation Guide. You'll find contact details for the Chair (Mike Loehr) or Assistant Chair (Rolf Asphaug), to let them know which event you want to run.
- Ten Essentials
- Fire Starting
- First Aid - Stretcher Carry
- Broomball
- Sled Inspection
- Sled Race
- Bear-Bagging Race
- Spirit Award