Klondoree 2015 - Let's All Go Surfin' BSA!


Troop 457 is honored to be hosting the 2015 Arapahoe District Klondoree: Surfin' BSA!quinzee_hutThis year's event is Friday Jan 30 - Sunday Feb 1, and will be held at the same location as last year: Golden Gate Canyon State Park.If your troop would like to join us, please Register at the Arapahoe District website, and be sure to download the Participation/Leaders' Guide PDF.Also, we need help from participating troops to run the Klondoree activities, games, and events. If you are interested, sign up to help be part of the fun! Hurry so you can get the event your scouts enjoy most!When registering, please register the complete troop, indicating the number of scouts and leaders that will attend.If you have questions or need further information, contact the Chair or Assistant Chair, contact details are available in the Participation Guide.Klondoree 2015: Surfin' BSA!Friday January 30 - Sunday Feb 1, 2015Golden Gate Canyon State Park12


Troops, You Can Run a Klondoree 2015 Event!


Jamboree 2013!