Court of Honor - May 29th, 2018


Congratulations to the scouts that received the following:Rank Advancements:Scout - 6 scoutsTenderfoot - 2 scoutsSecond Class - 1 scoutFirst Class - 3 scoutsStar - 2 scoutsLife - 3 scoutsEagle - 1 scout (in a separate Eagle Scout ceremony)Merit Badges:CampingCitizenship in the Community - 3 scoutsCitizenship in the Nation - 1 scoutCitizenship in the World - 1 scoutCommunication - 3 scoutsEmergency Prep - 1 scoutEnvironmental Science - 2 scoutsFamily Life - 1 scoutFingerprinting - 1 scoutLifesaving - 1 scoutMetalwork - 1 scoutMining and Society - 2 scoutsNuclear Science - 1 scoutPersonal Management - 1 scoutScuba - 1 scoutSnow Sports - 1 scoutSwimming - 1 scoutWood Carving - 1 scoutWoodwork - 1 scoutSpecial Awards:Order of the Arrow - 3 scouts


Annual 14'er - Mt. Democrat 14,148'


Alex's Eagle Court of Honor